
Showing posts from August, 2017

Are My Needs More Real than Yours?

Ever since our wedding over 8 years ago, I almost never missed a week of baking challah, but this time was different than all the rest. This time, instead of davening for just my  close one to find her other half, I davened for another 262 other singles as well. I was filled with emotion as I read down the list, realizing just how many others are waiting, and knowing that there are thousands more... and that their wait must feel just as real. And while I prayed that Hashem send every single person their miracle, it made me realize how much simpler it will be for Hashem to just send Moshiach and answer everyone all at once!  Because even if all my loved ones were to celebrate their miracles today, it would not be enough.  We are each waiting, praying, and hoping primarily for our own personal Geulah and the personal Geulah of our closest family and friends, but that's only because we each feel our own needs as more real and urgent. But when we remember that we a...

I Need More Time

The kids just fell asleep.  There's less than an hour less to the fast now, and all I want to do is rest and pass the time, and dream about what I will break my fast on, and about all the things that I need to do.  After all, it's been a long and hard day. I felt weak, dizzy, tired, and hungry. I felt lousy and unproductive. I felt a bit impatient and grumpy. I was mostly trying to just survive it. But now that it's almost over, a part of me is not ready for it to end. A part of me wishes I could hold onto this day just a little bit longer.  I need more time to take its message to heart. I need more time to search for the personal meaning. I need more time to find the inspiration.  Without it, I'd be missing the point. I'd be wasting the potential.  If tomorrow will be no different than yesterday, in a way, I will have fasted in vain.  Because every yom tov has its special power that's meant to last us through the whole year, and tisha b'av is no dif...