Take My Hand
Looking down at the sea of Taleisim from the women's section of Marina Roscha's shul, I suddenly realized that it's the last chance for my 6 year old daughter to make it down in time for birkas kohanim. I told her to quickly run downstairs so she can stand under Tatty's talis, but she said that she was too scared to try to find him by herself. "But look, you see Tatty and the boys right there, so you know just where to find him!" "Yes," she answered, "From up here I can see exactly where Tatty is, but when I go downstairs, I can't see him anymore!" "Ok," I said, "So tomorrow we'll go down earlier so Tatty can meet you by the door." She stayed near me, but her words kept ringing in my head. Isn't that the story of our lives? From above, everything is so crystal clear! But when we are actually down IN the situation, we get lost in the heat of the moment, and suddenly not...