
Showing posts from January, 2019

What I Learned from Zaidy A"H

I was so lucky to get to spend time with my husband's Zaidy, Yehoshua Wilansky, while he gave me driving lessons in the months after our wedding. Almost every time, he would ask me to drive to a senior citizen home in Williamsburg where he would visit an old neighbor who had nobody else in the world. The neighbor didn't remember Zaidy anymore, but that didn't stop Zaidy from remembering him.. At the end of every visit, he would tell me, "It's so sad! All of these people here were once young, strong, and successful... I hope this never happens to me!" And I would say "Chas vshalom, it will never happen to you!" After the terrible car accident, I told myself  that I better hurry up and pass my driving test before he gets better enough to ask me about it... But Zaidy, while I still never passed my driving test, I know that what you really want to see now is if I remember all the other lessons that you taught me - to see if I am passing the REAL test...