
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Effect of the Clothes we Wear

I always knew that what we wear affects how we feel, but didn’t expect to see it in such an obvious way.. Chayale has been a bit jealous of the baby lately, asking me “to put down the baby” and hold her instead, and other such comments.. But when I dressed them in matching clothing for the first time, I saw right away how it affected Chayale’s feelings towards her -  She started acting like her big sister and “protector” instead of her competition!  I would love to discover some more simple ideas for how to encourage sibling love and loyalty 😅🙏

Teachers - Unsung Heroes

TEACHERS - UNSUNG HEROES Today, I received yet another message from Yudales most loving, most thoughtful, and most devoted teacher from this past year, and I’m just overflowing with awe and gratitude! I feel like I just have to share it - especially for all those awesome teachers out there, who are about to begin the new year. I want you to know just how much we see what you do for our kids, and just how much we appreciate you, even though you don’t always hear it enough!! Yudale’s teacher may have taught him for just one year, and he will now move on to Cheder thank Gd... but the self confidence and inner wealth that she instilled in him, will remain with him forever, please Gd! And I know she didn’t do this just for him - but for every single student in her care. “Sweet Yudale, tomorrow you will Gd willing begin 1st grade and I’m sure you are so happy and excited... I am also so so happy for you and wish you tons of success!” And then,  “Im really going to miss Yudale, but I’ll t...

Fill my Hands with Your Blessings

You know that overwhelming feeling when you’re home alone with the kids and they each want your undivided attention all at once?  Well apparently my kids know how that feels too.. And so they officially pulled a prank on me tonight! After a super hectic noisy dinner, I took the baby to my room to feed her. I locked my door and felt that moment of DEEP relaxation, as I lay down with her in utter calm and quiet... But a minute later, the door somehow bursts open with all 4 kids, laughing and jumping all over me, yelling on the top of their lungs, making as much noise as they possibly could!  For a moment I was about to get upset.., but then I realized that my only logical choice is to laugh along with them.. and enjoy the crazy moments of this great journey called motherhood. 👶 This past Rosh Hashana, as I read the “Avinu Malkeinu” prayer and got to the one that says, “My Father, my King, fill my hands with your blessings!” - I knew that it must be referring to the blessing of ...

Are Kids Hard Work or Great Fun?

Are kids hard work or great fun?  It depends.  When we’re distracted - they’re hard. When we’re present - they’re fun. When we’re reactive - they’re hard. When we’re proactive - they’re fun. When we have other important priorities-  they’re hard. When they’re our most important priority -  they’re fun. Children are the greatest gift and the greatest pleasure - as long as we can remember to enjoy our blessings!  Thank you Hashem! 💗💚💙💜💛

Little Shliach

This picture made my eyes tear up..💙 At first I was trying to figure out why Yudale had this funny undershirt on his head - till I noticed that his kippah was on the doctor’s head instead 😅 Love my little Shliach ☺️ He officially went to the doctor this morning in order to remove the pins from his foot under general anesthesia, but here we got to see a glimpse of the real purpose of his doctor visit.. Of course I much prefer when we can fulfill our purpose in happier places!  And I believe collectively we are so DONE with elevating all the sparks! But BH that we weren’t at the doctor for anything serious, and that Yudale is feeling perfectly well 😊🙏 May we celebrate this Shabbos all together in Jerusalem with Moshiach now!

“Mommy, come now!”

After months of staying at home, Yudale finally had a playdate with his friend last week and was enjoying his first trip to the park. He was having fun standing on one of those round tire swings, but when he tried to sit down in the middle of swinging, he fell off and hurt his foot. We knew he most likely broke something, and we quickly rushed him to get an xray, but we were really surprised to learn that he would need an operation 6 hours later in order to put his growth plate back in place. I don’t like operations... but I was grateful to Hashem that it wasn’t for anything more serious, and I was BH able to just relax and accept Hashem’s plan. I anyway had to keep totally positive and calm for my son, and I didn’t let myself worry at all, even for a second.  Yudale would need to spend the next few hours doing all kinds of tests, but we knew that he is BH a strong and brave boy, and decided that I would go back home to take care of the rest of the kids, while my husband would stay...

This world is Gds garden!

The news lately is so disturbing and painful on SO many levels! This world is meant to be Gds beautiful, peaceful, pleasure-full garden, not a garden of sins and lies!  Every human being, no matter what color or race or religion or profession or political party, must know that THIS WORLD IS NOT A JUNGLE, and that one day, everyone will be held accountable for their choices, to the same ONE Gd.  Every human being must know that there is “An Eye that sees and an Ear that hears and that every single act is recorded.”  Gd knows the full truth, and every human being will be judged by Him, and receive their due reward or punishment. It is only a matter of time - if it will be now or later, if it will be in this world, or in the next world.  We can rest assured that the cop who murdered Floyd will receive his justice. And so will EVERY human being who broke any of the 7 universal laws of Gd, including “Do not kill” and “Do not steal” and “Maintain justice.” It is our respon...

Never Alone

Today we had a video call with my cousin who was telling us about our dear elderly great aunt who is completely alone now because nobody is allowed to visit her... My daughter asked, “What, even her own kids can’t visit her?”  And she answered, “Right, no one! She’s totally alone.”  So my 4 year son asked very sincerely, “What, even Hashem can’t visit her?!” Of course we told him he’s right! Hashem IS with her! She is not alone at all!  It was just so sweet! Out of the mouths of babes...

Think good and it will be good ALWAYS applies

I just asked the Rebbe something in connection with the virus and then opened to this page! It’s amazing because my profile picture over the last period was “think good and it will be good,” but I was just thinking to change it, because I started to have doubts - maybe we’re living in a different time now when this doesn’t work ch”v?  Things are really not looking good at the moment and it seems we must take ACTION instead. Of course we need to Daven that it will be only revealed good, and that Moshiach be revealed now, but at the same time maybe it’s healthy and life-saving to worry too? But the Rebbe is reminding that the directive to “think good and it will be good” applies NOW  more than ever! Our thoughts have a REAL effect, our trust in Hashem REALLY protects us! *Our thinking good is what will REALLY  save lives!* It’s actually dangerous to chv think otherwise, and especially to speak otherwise!!!  It seems like a contradiction to have Emunah and bitachon AND ...