This world is Gds garden!

The news lately is so disturbing and painful on SO many levels! This world is meant to be Gds beautiful, peaceful, pleasure-full garden, not a garden of sins and lies! 
Every human being, no matter what color or race or religion or profession or political party, must know that THIS WORLD IS NOT A JUNGLE, and that one day, everyone will be held accountable for their choices, to the same ONE Gd. 
Every human being must know that there is “An Eye that sees and an Ear that hears and that every single act is recorded.” 
Gd knows the full truth, and every human being will be judged by Him, and receive their due reward or punishment. It is only a matter of time - if it will be now or later, if it will be in this world, or in the next world. 
We can rest assured that the cop who murdered Floyd will receive his justice. And so will EVERY human being who broke any of the 7 universal laws of Gd, including “Do not kill” and “Do not steal” and “Maintain justice.”
It is our responsibility to convey this message to all of the nations of the world, especially now, as we are on the brink of the blissful Messianic era, and only those who kept these 7 basic laws will have a share in that peaceful world - that they were part of creating. 
I can’t wait for the day when Gd’s light will be revealed, and EVERYONE will finally recognize the truth. I can’t wait for the day when there will be no more need for police officers, because everyone will follow the laws of morality out of their own free will. I can’t wait for the day when this world will be filled with only peace and love and justice and security and goodness and kindness. May it be today!!
* Art by Nechamale 💕


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